Random Books

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Songs, Songs, Songs, we all love them and some of us (Tim) jam out to Taylor Swift in the middle of English class, but either way we need music in our lives, but ever thought how a song just describes how your feeling...or your life? Well that´s what I´m going to be talking about today. Presenting the songs that describe my life.

1) Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
I chose this song because the lyrics describe the future for me. The lyrics say, "I spread my wings, and I'll learn to touch the sky. I'll do whatever it takes till I touch the sky. And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change and break away. This to me means, future college or job. I'll do whatever it takes to achieve my goals and even if it's a risk I would take the chance. This song is inspiring and loved how the lyrics spoke to me.

2) Human by Christina Perri
This song reminds me that no one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and we are all human.
Lyrics: But I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down, I'm only human and I crash and I burn down, Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me then I fall apart.
"Your words in my head." This line related a lot to me because someone can saw a little thing and it would get in my head and keep bothering me. "You build me then I fall apart." My friends make me happy and make me laugh, but no one is perfect and eventually something happens and I fall apart.

3) See You Again by Charlie Puth
This song reminds me of a memory, I had a best friend in kindergarten and we did everything together, but then she had to move in 2nd grade, and this song always reminded me of her because I always had some hope that I would see her again and eventually I did. She came back to visit in the summer and we had a great time, but this song always reminded me of her. "It's been a long day without you my friend and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again." We shared everything and she was one of my first friends so it was special.

4) Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
This song is just a rant, it says, "You're beautiful no matter what they say words's can't bring you down." This is true and not true at the same time, words can really hurt even if you think you don't care you probably do growing up as a teen, but at the same time you should be confident in yourself that you don't care. If you are confident enough in yourself it shouldn't affect you and other people's opinions should not matter. I thought this song had a really good life lesson.

5) Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
This song is just about being mad and forgetting in general. This song taught me that even if you do get mad at someone you can't just be mad forever, if you really love them then you would shake it off and not let other people get to you. Even if it's hard to not let other people get to you, you should just shake it off and move on.

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