Random Books

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

How to prepare for PARCC 101

So your PARCC testing is coming up, and you want to do great on it. Well welcome to how to prepare for PARCC 101.
The night before your PARCC testing don't eat anything because it's like a blood test and who needs to eat? Also stay up as late as you want on your Snapchat and Instagram because just like food who needs sleep. So after you're done pulling an all nighter. Skip breakfast or eat junk food your choice. Then just take your time, you don't even have to change your clothes just go to school in your pajamas. Then when you get to school late go to a random classroom (REMEMBER don't go to the classroom that your actually assigned to.) Even better go to a 5th grade classroom so you can just pass the test. When the teacher asks why your here just lie because lying is always the answer. Then take your test put random answers because who cares about PARCC. Then in a year when you get your results back, you will see that you got level 1 that means your number 1 as in your the best. Congratulations you're the best! 

Disclaimer: If you got to this sentence without crying and having a break down good job, just do the opposite of everything I said. :)

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