Random Books

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Songs, Songs, Songs, we all love them and some of us (Tim) jam out to Taylor Swift in the middle of English class, but either way we need music in our lives, but ever thought how a song just describes how your feeling...or your life? Well that´s what I´m going to be talking about today. Presenting the songs that describe my life.

1) Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
I chose this song because the lyrics describe the future for me. The lyrics say, "I spread my wings, and I'll learn to touch the sky. I'll do whatever it takes till I touch the sky. And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change and break away. This to me means, future college or job. I'll do whatever it takes to achieve my goals and even if it's a risk I would take the chance. This song is inspiring and loved how the lyrics spoke to me.

2) Human by Christina Perri
This song reminds me that no one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and we are all human.
Lyrics: But I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down, I'm only human and I crash and I burn down, Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me then I fall apart.
"Your words in my head." This line related a lot to me because someone can saw a little thing and it would get in my head and keep bothering me. "You build me then I fall apart." My friends make me happy and make me laugh, but no one is perfect and eventually something happens and I fall apart.

3) See You Again by Charlie Puth
This song reminds me of a memory, I had a best friend in kindergarten and we did everything together, but then she had to move in 2nd grade, and this song always reminded me of her because I always had some hope that I would see her again and eventually I did. She came back to visit in the summer and we had a great time, but this song always reminded me of her. "It's been a long day without you my friend and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again." We shared everything and she was one of my first friends so it was special.

4) Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
This song is just a rant, it says, "You're beautiful no matter what they say words's can't bring you down." This is true and not true at the same time, words can really hurt even if you think you don't care you probably do growing up as a teen, but at the same time you should be confident in yourself that you don't care. If you are confident enough in yourself it shouldn't affect you and other people's opinions should not matter. I thought this song had a really good life lesson.

5) Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
This song is just about being mad and forgetting in general. This song taught me that even if you do get mad at someone you can't just be mad forever, if you really love them then you would shake it off and not let other people get to you. Even if it's hard to not let other people get to you, you should just shake it off and move on.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

2 Lies And One Truth

            Everything about her was a lie. Her parents, her life, everything. Recently she found out she was adopted and her whole world was turned upside down. For 14 years she didn’t know about this and she didn’t even find out by her parents telling her, she found out from a letter in the attic.                                                                                       - - -
           Skylar climbed up into the attic, every step making a creaking noise as she went up. She reached out for the door and swung it open and went inside. Her first intent was to find art supplies for her school project, but then she found a letter that said, “to Skylar, my daughter.” She looked at the letter in astonishment, then slowly opened it. She just stared at it for a really long time. It said:

Dear Skylar,
                    I don’t know if you know about me or not, maybe you're finding out from this letter, but I’m your mother. I'm so sorry I had to leave you, but I wasn't fit to taking care of you. I got to hold you for a couple minutes when they took you from me. I couldn't do anything about it since I was too sick. I hope to meet you one day. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you.
                                                                                               Your Loving Mother,
                                                                                                                                 Amy Collins

          Skylar looks up from reading and a single tear runs down her cheek. So many thoughts going through her head. She slowly stands up still in shock and walks downstairs."What do you got there?" Says her mom pointing at the letter. She takes it from Skylar and the color drains from her face. She immediately says, "Where did you get this!?"
          "In the attic." Skylar says. She just stares at her mom for a while and says, "You never told me? How could you! She was sick and you did nothing!"
           "But you don't know what happen-" Her mom starts.
           "I don't know what happen!? Are you actually serious?! It says it all in the letter. You should know it looks like you've seen it before..." Skylar yells. Her mom just looks at the ground in silence. The silence gets broken by a phone call. Her mom steps to take the call.
           "Hello, oh, hi. Yes. Come home soon something happen. She knows. I mean that she knows about the letter. Yea she found it. Okay just get home soon." Her mother says on the phone.
           "That was dad wasn't it. So he knew about this too and decided to not tell me anything either!" Skylar says. Just ask she's saying that her older brother, Jason, walks in.
           "What's going on here?" He says.
           "Oh, so he doesn't know either? Is he adopted too?!" Skylar says at her mom.
           "Adopted?! What's going on?" Jason says. Skylar snatches the letter from her mom's hands and gives it to Jason, who read it really fast and says, "I had no clue about any of this." Her mom tells her to come sit on the couch so they could talk.
           "Let me tell you what happen, Skylar." She says. "Your father had an affair with this lady named Amy Collins and I obviously had no idea about this, and then he told me that she was sick and about to have you so we rushed to the hospital and they gave me you. I forgave your father for what he did, but she told us to give you this letter and we just weren't ready to." Skylar just stares randomly into space, lost in her own thoughts. Then she gets up and leaves like no one else was in the room. She feels like the world is frozen and she just keeps walking and walking like there's no end. Eventually she makes it to the one place that is helpful to her now: The Police Station.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

New Year, New Me? Nah.

Tomorrow is the first day of school in 2018. I obviously rather not go back to school just like anyone, but there are things that I want to go back for like cheer-leading and the 8th grade play. Everyone on social media is like, "New Year, New Me." and yea if you want to improve yourself then yes, but I don't think you should completely change yourself and to be honest no one can change overnight. I want to change myself in little ways like stop procrastinating. I'm feeling good about the New Year. I mean your still the same person you were last year, but people promise to have a new start, like not getting angry at little things and forgiveness. I'm excited for what the New Year has in store for me since it's the year I graduate and the first year of High School. It's gonna be a fun year. 

The Time Has Come

          Dear my amazing class of 2018 and welcome everyone else to this momentous  day. We have truly all made it. Words cannot begin to ...