Random Books

Friday, October 6, 2017

My Identity

My identity would be a artist, a best friends, a sister, and a daughter (lol I have a lot.) Anyways I love to draw and drawing makes me, ME. I just draw whenever I'm bored and it's just fun to draw. I'm a best friend and it's my job to be there for them and they're both apart of me and it's very important how they feel and how we are to each other because friendship is special. I'm a sister to my annoying brother, but even though he's annoying I have to set a good example for him an stuff, you know what everyone expects from the older sibling. Lastly, I'm a daughter to my wonderful mom. I think this role is very important because I'll have to take over her "job" when I get older and I get to be a daughter for a little while. These are my important roles in life and it's some of my identity. I'm still growing and experiencing things in life, so I don't know my complete identity, but I know these things for sure. 


  1. Hi Amayma! It's so cool that you love to draw. I also love to draw, but that I love to do is dance. We both have in common that's we are both older sisters, I also have a little brother. And you are right that's we need to put an example for them, that way they know how to be a good person just like us.

    1. It’s amazing that you dance! That’s an awesome skill to have and to do :)


The Time Has Come

          Dear my amazing class of 2018 and welcome everyone else to this momentous  day. We have truly all made it. Words cannot begin to ...