Random Books

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Outsiders

I relate to Soda-Pop because he's really close with everyone in his family and so am I. He also just tried to be happy all the time and I literally smile all the time. My friends told me to stop smiling and I just could not. I also relate to Two-Bits because he's the joker and he loves to find the bright side of things and I feel like I do that too. He's just funny and he loves to laugh and I love to laugh with my friends and just enjoy everything.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


If you forget to bring a pencil to class, you can't take notes.
If you can't take notes, you fail the test.
If you fail the test, you fail the class.
If you fail the class, you don't get into a good college.
If you can't get into a good college, you can't get a job.
If you can't get a job, you don't get married.
If you don't get married, you can't start a family.
If you can't start a family, you die alone.
If you die alone, you don't have anyone to come to your funeral.
If no one comes to your funeral, you are sad forever.
Moral of the story- Don't forget to bring a pencil to class

By- Amayma Hamid
(P.S I don't know if this was already made, but if it was I didn't copy it. No hate <3)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Future Me

In 10 years I see myself in a medical school stepping into the bright light of the world after I had gotten my degree. I know all the typical parents tell their kids to be doctors, but I actually do wanna be a doctor. It's a challenge to learn all the medical stuff and I like challenges. I want to have a nice home and raise a family. I also want to be able to provide for everyone in my family, so not "rich," but I want to have money (I mean, who doesn't?) It's funny, like when you're little you know for a fact what you want to be when you grow-up, but when you actually get there you may not want to be that anymore. I want to avoid not having a job because a job is very important to me and you need job to raise your family. I think that’s the only thing that’s getting in the way of my future except for if I failing med school or something, but I’m pretty sure I won’t do that lol.

Friday, October 6, 2017

My Identity

My identity would be a artist, a best friends, a sister, and a daughter (lol I have a lot.) Anyways I love to draw and drawing makes me, ME. I just draw whenever I'm bored and it's just fun to draw. I'm a best friend and it's my job to be there for them and they're both apart of me and it's very important how they feel and how we are to each other because friendship is special. I'm a sister to my annoying brother, but even though he's annoying I have to set a good example for him an stuff, you know what everyone expects from the older sibling. Lastly, I'm a daughter to my wonderful mom. I think this role is very important because I'll have to take over her "job" when I get older and I get to be a daughter for a little while. These are my important roles in life and it's some of my identity. I'm still growing and experiencing things in life, so I don't know my complete identity, but I know these things for sure. 

Monday, October 2, 2017


      When I was little, I would have this baby doll that I would always play with and take everywhere. I've had it literally forever. My parents probably bought it for me before I was born or little bit after, but I've always had it for as long as I can remember. I remember once I almost lost it or left it at the park (in Chicago) and honestly I would've died if that actually happen because that doll was everything to me, but it ended up being in the trunk (lol.) The doll taught me a lot because I would play "house" or role-playing with it and I sorta learned how to take care of a baby and I would always play with my brother even though he was really annoying. I remember I even got a stroller and high chair for it and I would take it outside and be a "fake" mom. That doll taught me a lot and plus I got closer with my brother when playing the game even though he's still annoying. The doll always made want to take care of kids and I love babies. By the way, I never gave "the doll" a name, I literally just called it "doll." Now, I sometimes baby sit my aunt's kid and she is so adorable, but unlike with my doll I won't forget her in the trunk lol.

The Time Has Come

          Dear my amazing class of 2018 and welcome everyone else to this momentous  day. We have truly all made it. Words cannot begin to ...