Random Books

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Dear Old Diary

Dear Diary,
                  It's a Sunday and there's school tomorrow. Yay. I'm at home trying to concentrate while my brother is yelling in the background. Great way to get my work done. Anyways, I can't believe how fast this school year went, it literally feels like yesterday that it was the first day of 8th grade and I couldn't get used to my new locker. The first couple of days I actually ended up going at my old 7th grade locker.
                 To think that we're graduating in a couple months is just so overwhelming and exciting. I can remember the first day of 5th grade when it took me forever to open my locker, and now in just a couple months we're going to go to high school. There are lots of mixed emotions because high school is gonna be amazing, but still scary at the same time. Anyways I'll write more later, bye.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Home. It could be a place, a object, or people. We use the word everyday. "I wanna go home." without even thinking what home ACTUALLY is. In the dictionary it says, "The place where one lives permanently especially as a member of a family or household," but this isn't necessarily true for everyone.  For me home is my family, it doesn't matter what the place is for me, it's the people that count. The actual house can be replaced, but your family can never be replaced. "Home is where the heart is," means where ever your loved ones are, that's home, and my home is my family.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Pictures of my life

I love this picture because this was the first time when I truly tried drawing, I did draw before, but I didn't give it my all. This drawing was the first time I did and it gave me passion to continue and drawing and see what I can come up with.
This is one of my toys from my childhood, and I remember that I begged and begged for this little thing. It was $7 (ikr that's a lot for this little thing) but I was like 7 and I really wanted it and after begging for a while my parents got it for my birthday and I remember that was literally the happiest day of my life, and it just reminds me how such a little object can make me so happy.

This last picture, represents 2 things, my love for the color pink and my love for Starbucks. My life wouldn't be complete without a caramel frappucinno, or without wearing a piece of pink everyday. These little things just brighten my day and I love them with all my heart.

The Time Has Come

          Dear my amazing class of 2018 and welcome everyone else to this momentous  day. We have truly all made it. Words cannot begin to ...