Random Books

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


It's November, Thanksgiving approaching. I'm sitting in my room, watching the beautiful starry night and blasting music in my ears. Lost in my own thoughts and thinking about what to write. In the best times, and the worst times we can always be grateful for things in our life. Here's my list of gratitude. 

1) I'm thankful for my friends and family, who I can annoy, but they'll still be there for me. Who love me no matter what I do. If they're related by blood or not they always make me feel at home. <3

2) I'm thankful for weekends, so we can have a break from school lol.<3

3) I'm thankful for school and all the teacher, giving me a education and entertaining me at the same time. <3

4) I'm thankful for laughter, having to be able to cheer up when I'm sad. <3

5) I'm thankful for art, one of the things I'm passionate about and which I can truly express myself in. So everyday can be bright. <3

6) I'm thankful for music, so others can hear me just randomly start singing out of no where lol.<3

7) I'm thankful for love because love never breaks, it's irreplaceable, and can last forever. <3

8) I'm thankful for the sunrise and the sunset, so we can see the day start and end in a ray of colors. Perfect way to start or end your day. <3

9) I'm thankful for rainbows, to remind us that after every gloomy day there's always a colorful ray of light to make your day. <3

10) I'm thankful for life, so we can experience everything, love, happiness, sadness, heartbreaks, laughter, silence, everything. <3

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Binge Watching

I binge watched the movie The Thinning and Before I Fall (which is also a book.)  The Thinning was a  movie that took place in the future and America was running out of resources so each state had to kill there citizens somehow. Some states killed there elders and some states limited 2 babies to each family, but Texas took an annual test from 2-12th grade if you passed you got to live, if you failed you got sent to the Thinning (from which to died.) It was just a really interesting movie and it had me at the edge of my chair for the entire time. I loved watching it and it was so good. Before I Fall was a book before the movie and the book was amazing. It was written so well and the movie was just breathtaking. 

The Time Has Come

          Dear my amazing class of 2018 and welcome everyone else to this momentous  day. We have truly all made it. Words cannot begin to ...