Random Books

Thursday, September 21, 2017

My Passions

         Yes, I'm obviously obsessed with pink, but unfortunately I can't write paragraphs about it...anyways I also love sports and I honestly don't care if I'm bad at some sports I still like to play them. My 2 favorite sports are volleyball and badminton. I think i'm good at badminton, but not really volleyball. I still like playing them though. I just love to get active and do something fun. Yea, i'm a nerd about volleyball and badminton. (Also a nerd about pink lol.)

         Some people think reading is boring and I feel bad for those people because reading is great. It's so fun and it relives stress. If you're one of those people that think reading is boring then you haven't found the right book. When you find the right book you literally can't put it down. When you finally find what you like to read then you keep reading more and more and reading is great!

        The last thing I love (I have like lists of things I love but this post would be pages long, so I'm only talking about the main 3 lol) is drawing and I recently found out that I loved drawing and I never tried to draw before, then I did and I found out I could actually draw nicely. Drawing just relaxes me and it's fun to see what I come up with at the end. (Here is one of my drawings)

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Pink Quotes

        I like this quote because it's very true about me. I don't care what other people think of me. I literally put cotton balls in my earrings last year and walked around and didn't. People shouldn't care what other people think. If they think you look good then that's all you need and that's what I'm about. <3

          I love this quote because my friends get me and we laugh all the time. We don't care if we're laughing out of control because we're having fun and that's all that matters. This quote also goes with the one before it, because it doesn't matter what people think of you. Having a great time with the people you enjoy to be with is all that I need.
         These 2 quotes are important 2, (I couldn't choose one lol.) because I love the color pink and because of this people may think, "Oh she's so girly," but I'm actually not. I actually love to play sports and be active. I may love pink, but I also love playing sport and just being free. I love the color pink because it's just such a pretty, cute color and I've always liked the color. I've never had a specific reason when people ask me, "Why are you so obsessed with pink?"

The Time Has Come

          Dear my amazing class of 2018 and welcome everyone else to this momentous  day. We have truly all made it. Words cannot begin to ...