Random Books

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The End...Or The Beginning?

Image result for quotes about ending
"Endings are not always a bad thing, It just means something new can begin." and "Too many friendships end with, "we just stopped talking." 
I picked these two quotes because they go together really well. Ending aren't always a bad thing since maybe you were coming out of something bad, or something just didn't work out, just like with friends. Sometimes friends have a great run, maybe for years, but it starts getting too extended and boring and even if you don't have a fight you just drift away. Maybe it's for the better and something new to start. Yes Middle School is ending at it's really sad, but it can also be seen as a good thing. We finished a block of our life at school already and now we're headed to a more older and mature place: High School. Something ends and something new begins. We get to go to this new place and experience new things. It's quite amazing how things just work out like that, something ends and something new begins. I'm going to miss GMS with all my heart, but it's going to be a amazing experience to move on and go onto to the next chapter in my life. 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Lots of Food

Food, food, food. I love it, you love it. We all love it, but some people are very very picky eaters. I'm certainly not one of those people except for one time. I remember when I was in 6th grade. It was a nice day, just the perfect temperature. There weren't any fruits to eat in the house besides cherries, and I never liked cherries. Like I had never tried them, but I just didn't like them. At the same time I was hungry, so I ate them anyways. Absolutely disgusting. I hated them. The one thing I will never eat will be cherries. Cherry flavored especially is disgusting, like cherry medicine or a cherry drink. Anyways whenever someone asks, "Do you want a cherry on your ice cream?" I'm just like, "Nope." The perfect meal would be anything besides a cherry. No really, I'm serious. The perfect meal would consist of probably some fruits, and probably a salad or some meat, and oh dessert. I will literally eat anything sweet. (except cherries ew) Most people say that they love food, but they don't notice that if they're very picky eaters then they can't say that. They love certain foods in there case, but I love food. Always have, always will. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

How to prepare for PARCC 101

So your PARCC testing is coming up, and you want to do great on it. Well welcome to how to prepare for PARCC 101.
The night before your PARCC testing don't eat anything because it's like a blood test and who needs to eat? Also stay up as late as you want on your Snapchat and Instagram because just like food who needs sleep. So after you're done pulling an all nighter. Skip breakfast or eat junk food your choice. Then just take your time, you don't even have to change your clothes just go to school in your pajamas. Then when you get to school late go to a random classroom (REMEMBER don't go to the classroom that your actually assigned to.) Even better go to a 5th grade classroom so you can just pass the test. When the teacher asks why your here just lie because lying is always the answer. Then take your test put random answers because who cares about PARCC. Then in a year when you get your results back, you will see that you got level 1 that means your number 1 as in your the best. Congratulations you're the best! 

Disclaimer: If you got to this sentence without crying and having a break down good job, just do the opposite of everything I said. :)

The Time Has Come

          Dear my amazing class of 2018 and welcome everyone else to this momentous  day. We have truly all made it. Words cannot begin to ...